15 for 50 Special Offer during the Month of Love

January 22, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

15 for 50 Special Offer during the Month of Love

If the house is on fire, what do you grab on the way out other than kids and pets?  Real photos!

Real photos are treasures. They capture the ones we love, the times we cherish, the lives we lived in a moment of time.

Honoring the month of Love in which Saint Valentine’s Day falls, Daniel Photo Pro is offering 15 minutes for $50, where we’ll sweep in with equipment ready, shoot several shots that you’ve planned in advance, and voila…you’ll have treasured photos of this historic time we’re living through.

Your 15 minutes of photography can be indoors or outdoors; we just need to know in advance. We’ll give you guidelines on preparing a setting in your home or office for the photos. After we edit them, you will have them ready for download.

Although money for special things is tight for most people during these uncertain times, the desire to protect, to grow closer, and to enjoy our families is greater than ever. That’s why we created 15 for 50. It’s a way to allow you to have some professional photos without extraordinary expense.

When you receive your download and have prints made for yourself and your family, all will be overjoyed.  We can look at pictures on computers all day long but it’s never the same as holding a photograph in your hand. Contact us today to reserve a day and time for your 15 for $50!  440-787-3806  




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